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Core partners

The Belgian Data Spaces Alliance is an initiative of the following 8 organisations

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The BDSA is led by core partners from industry, research and the public sector. The core partners play a key role in driving the BDSA. In addition to the core partners, the BDSA is advised by an Advisory Board, which is composed of key organisations in the Belgian Data Space domain, in a variety of sectors.  Members of the BDSA can be any organization that is interested to participate in the Data Space movement in Belgium. The membership is open and no fee is required.

To guarantee the liaison between the BDSA members and the European Data Space initiatives, the BDSA represents the Gaia-X and IDSA local Belgian hubs. This ensures that Belgium is represented in these key EU initiatives and that the most recent insight from these projects can reach the BDSH member base.

Sectorial work groups

A main aspect of the BDSA is the sectorial ecosystem work groups in which we discuss Belgian Data Spaces in key domains (health, agrifood, cities, mobility, logistics, industry 4.0,..). In each of these work groups, we discuss the technical, business and legal aspects of Data Spaces and work towards the implementation of Data Space activities in Belgium.

Hosting sectorial work groups (SWG) is a key activity of the BDSA. These SWGs are the places where the creation of data space activities in Belgium are discussed and developed. The first SWG activites will be focussed on the sector of health, logistics and agrifood. Others will follow later.

In each SWG, we will go through the various phases that allow data space activities to grow. This means that we start by establishing a common understanding of the concept of data spaces, what they are for and how to implement them.

Then, we identify data space use cases that are useful to the stakeholders that are part of the SWG. These use cases need to be funded, so looking for ways to do this is also in scope of a SWG. Finally, the SWG will support the implementation of the SWG data space pilots. 



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